If you could choose to enjoy better health and age more gracefully, would you be interested?
It is my passion and goal to be the compassionate, supportive mentor and wellness authority that motivates you to cultivate positive health choices. I would be honored to work with you, as a team, to help you start (or restart!) your health journey. I fully understand that lifestyle changes can be intimidating, overwhelming, and difficult. But when you have a supportive, caring, and loving coach, you are able to make many nourishing choices that turn into lifelong, healthy changes. As your Holistic Health Practitioner, I will inspire, motivate, educate and support you to achieve your health goals through lifestyle, food and nutraceutical choices, as well as behavior adjustments.
Creating wellness means learning about your options, choosing what may be best for you, and acting on those choices. So, before you take another bite, I invite you to use your power of choice to create a healthy life. I would be honored to help you succeed.
With loving care,
♥ Dr. Dani Segal, PhD
Certified Holistic Nutrition Practitioner
Honest Guidance for Everyday Choices to Enhance Your Health
Help You
- Enjoy Your Food
- Heal Your Gut
- Restore Your Immunity
- Live Healthy
- Ease Your Pain
- Balance Your Hormones
- Start a Family

Why Holistic Nutrition?
The Holistic Principle honors the WHOLE person (mind, body, spirit) and inspires the responsibility to participate in your own health care. Holistic Nutrition uses the highest quality foods, nutraceuticals, etc. that encourages healing at the cause-level.
Is Helpful For:
Autistic Spectrum Challenges
Chronic Back Pain
Chron’s Disease
Depression & Anxiety
Headaches & Migraines
Hormonal Imbalances
Irritable Bowl
Lupus & other Auto-Immune Conditions
Lyme & other TBD
Skin Challenges
…and so much more!