Lab Tests

It is critically important to use the most accurate tests available to gauge what your specific nutritional needs are.

Let’s TEST, Not Guess!

Dried Urine Iodine Test

WHO: People who may have an iodine deficiency or elevated toxic level causing thyroid challenges, goiter & immune issues. 

WHAT: Dried urine collection is discreet and easy. Testing with urine is the ideal method for determining the effectiveness of hormone treatments and nutraceuticals such as thyroid supports. Unlike other tests, you won’t need to stop your hormone supplementation.

WHY: Hormones that don’t break down properly in the body can increase the risk for certain cancers – like breast cancer.  Iodine serves many different and protective roles in the body including those of an antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-proliferative, and anti-carcinogen. It helps to support thyroid health and a healthy immune system.

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pH Test

WHO:  Anyone in pain looking for anti-inflammatory support, digestive support, optimal health and energy, as well as vibrant, clear skin and aging gracefully.

WHAT:  Your body has a pH level – The acceptable range for your pH is between 7.1 and 7.5, according to most health care professionals. Anything above this range is considered alkaline, while scores below the range indicate acidity. To perform a urine test with the test strips, the non-invasive, easy to use (in the privacy of your home) strips use a pH-sensitive, color-coded test strip to reveal your body pH balance status. It’s important to test frequently through -out the day to get an average, and then for a week to get an overall average.

WHY:  Because many health issues, diet, and medications can affect how acidic or basic your urine is and this may affect your health. For example, results that are either too high or low can indicate the possibility that your body will form kidney stones. If your urine is at an extreme on either the low or high end of pH levels, you can adjust your diet to reduce the likelihood of painful kidney stones and other inflammatory symptoms.

It is also important to know your pH for bone health, especially for pre and menopausal women.

In short, your urine pH is an indicator of your overall health and gives your doctor important clues as to what’s going on in your body.

Keeping track of your “numbers” is important for successful healing and health. They will tell you EXACTLY where you are NOW, and will help you track your progress over time to determine whether or not what you are doing and the foods you are choosing are working for you.

vaxa ph test strips






Test strips available at Healthy Thymes Market!

Hormone Balancing Saliva Test

WHO: This test is best for those looking to measure hormonal harmony. Saliva testing is used for measuring hormones like cortisol, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, and its non-invasive collection asks patients to spit into a plastic tube. This sampling method allows patients to collect saliva at home at specific times, which is important for accurately measuring hormone levels. The SpectraCell Test is a comprehensive blood test.

WHAT: Non-invasive, simple and done in the privacy of your home, this test measures hormone from a single morning sample, this represents the peak of daily hormone production – the optimal time to measure.

WHY: Saliva testing measures the amount of hormone available to target tissues – the bioavailable amount. So, this testing better relates to specific symptoms of hormonal excess or deficiency, and is a good option for monitoring natural hormone therapy.

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Vitamin D Test

WHO: Children, women and men concerned about their immune health (ex: for those concerned about protection for breast cancer), mental well-being, heart health and bone strength.

WHAT: Choose finger prick test or SpectraCell MicroNutrient Test

WHY:  Deficiencies in Vitamin D as a potential cause of health problems ranging from osteoporosis to cardiovascular disease and cancer.

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Cleveland Heart Lab Test

WHO: Anyone focused on the identification and reduction of cardiovascular inflammation. Tests provide insight into an individual’s risk for heart disease and cardiac events.

WHAT: Provides inflammatory and other advanced biomarker testing to assist in the management and prevention of heart disease.

WHY: 2,200 people die from heart disease in the US daily and someone in the US has a heart attack every 40 seconds! Know YOUR lifestyle, genetic, nutritional risk!

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Cancer Screening Fecal Test / FIT: Fecal Immunochemical Test

WHO: People at increased risk because of a family history of colorectal cancer, people 50 + years of age or were suggested to have a colonoscopy and anyone concerned with their colon health.

WHAT: In the privacy of your home,  a one-step test with no diet or medicine restrictions. Perform the test and get your results instantly.  The entire process takes less than 5 minutes.

The Fecal Immunochemical Test, or FIT, detects elevated globin (the most predictive biomarker of colon and rectal cancer) in the lower GI tract.  This biomarker can be indicative of many things, such as colon or rectal cancer, diverticulitis, colitis, Chron’s disease, IBD, and IBS just to name a few.  A positive fecal immunochemical test should always be reported to your primary care physician or gastroenterologist.

WHY: The American College of Gastroenterology recommends the FIT test once per year, and recognizes FIT as the number one alternative to colonoscopy.   In fact, when used in conjunction with colonoscopy – the Fecal Immunochemcial Test has been shown to detect colorectal cancer up to two years earlier than colonoscopy alone.

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Specific Nutritional Support for Anxiety Test

WHO: Those challenged with stress induced general anxiety, no matter their age.

WHAT: MicroNutrient Blood Test showing possible nutritional challenges.

WHY: Nutrition plays an important role in healing from in anxiety and depression.

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Neurotransmitters Test

WHO:  A neurotransmitter imbalance is a possible cause for the improper functioning of the communication system of the body. Recent medical reports state that eight out of ten people are found to suffer from neurotransmitter imbalances that ultimately result in general disorders like obesity, migraine headaches, depression, ADHD, and anxiety.

A neurotransmitter imbalance can cause or contribute to the following problems:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • ADHD
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Insomnia
  • Weight Issues
  • Hormone and Adrenal Dysfunction
  • Memory Impairment
  • Migraines

WHAT: Test for nutrients that may affect neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers of the nervous system, essential for relaying signals within the brain and communicating with all organ systems of the body.

A safe non – invasive urine collection, or SpectraCell blood test,  can be employed to obtain the levels of the main neurotransmitters that regulate mood and behavior.

Some examples of nutrients that affect neurotransmitters that are available for testing: Inositol, Choline, Glutamine, Asparagine, Carnitine, Zinc, Serine

WHY: A neurotransmitter test can identify and correct neurotransmitter imbalances before they may become severe enough to cause symptoms. It can help determine nutraceutical choices that would be beneficial.

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Immune Response Test - Immunidex™ (SpectraCell)

WHO: Anyone who wants to remain or become healthy!

WHAT: An indicator of  how well a person’s  lymphocytes respond to  challenges from either the environment or potential disease burdens.  In other words, if the Immunidex is high, the person had a stronger immune response. The Immunidex™ score uses a patented technology for assessing cellular function, unique to SpectraCell Laboratories.  As a result, no other lab offers this type of indicator.

WHY: Everyone responds to an immune challenge differently.  For example, younger people usually respond with a stronger immune response than the elderly. And people with fewer nutritional deficiencies will typically have healthier immune responses. The Immunidex™, which is automatically included on every micronutrient test report, is only available from SpectraCell and does not add to the price of the micronutrient test.

Fibromyalgia Nutrient Support Test

WHO: Those diagnosed or feel they may have pain and Fibromyalgia challenges.

WHAT: MicroNutrient Testing to find nutritional imbalances.

WHY: Many nutrients play an important role in fibromyalgia healing and pain.

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Adrenal Fatigue Test

WHO: Those that are very stressed, going through hormonal changes, not sleeping well or experiencing lack of energy or chronic fatigue.

WHAT: SpectraCell Micronutrient Blood Test

WHY: There are many possible deficiencies that correlate with fatigue and adrenal challenges. It’s important to know so they can be addressed for effective healing.

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Autism Nutritional Support Test

WHO: Anyone who has been diagnosed in the Autistic Spectrum or ADHD or has symptoms.

WHAT: MicroNutrient Test

WHY: There has been unprecedented rise in autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).  Researchers speculate on the reason for this rise, but many factors likely contribute, including more accurate diagnosis. However,  evidence suggests that nutritional deficiencies may be a contributing factor.  Various nutrients are needed to keep our amazingly complex brain and nervous system functioning properly, and a comprehensive assessment of your nutritional status is key.

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Depression Nutrient Support Testing

SEE: Specific Nutritional Support for Anxiety Test and Neurotransmitters Test

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Omega Check Test


WHO: Anyone in risk of heart disease, depression, inflammation, bone, brain, skin, memory, focusing, ADD, ADHD & immune  challenges and those who do not like to eat fish, so may be low in healthful EFA’s. Also, anyone who wants to age more gracefully with radiant, healthier skin!

WHAT: This test measures the amount of two very important essential fatty acids (EFAs)called EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) in a person’s red blood cells. Red blood cell fatty acid composition reflects long-term intake of EPA and DHA, and are also highly correlated with the amount of fatty acids found in heart tissue. The higher the content of the fatty acids, EPA and DHA, the lower the risk of a fatal heart attack. Research shows that the Omega 3 Index is highly predictive of cardiovascular disease, and especially predictive of sudden death caused by a heart attack.

WHY: When there are enough omega-3 fatty acids available through either diet or supplementation, they will be absorbed into cells in the heart and other tissues, making their cell membranes flexible, but strong.  Consequently, the heart and arteries are stronger, and the entire body functions better.

Also – An interesting phenomenon called “neuronal plasticity” is crucial for long-term memory and learning. Proper levels of the omega-3 fatty acid, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), is important for membrane fluidity. The ratio of omega-6 fatty acids, which differ in structure and function, to omega-3 fatty acids affect neuronal plasticity as well. Many scientists now agree that the ratio of omega-6 fats to omega-3 fats is as important as the actual levels, especially in autism and ADHD. A lower ratio is better and when this ratio is improved, symptoms of autism and ADHD can improve as well.

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Antioxidant Test

WHO: Anyone interested in  protecting cell membranes and other fat-soluble compounds from oxidative damage by free radicals. (Aging, Skin health, cancer, inflammation  & cardiovascular protection)

WHAT: This tests for cellular blood levels of antioxidants, the heroes when it comes to protection from oxidative stress and free radicals. For example Lipoic acid (AKA thioctic acid or R. Lipoic Acid), vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione, cysteine and coenzyme Q10  are some of these important nutrients.

WHY: To help age more gracefully, to protect against cancer & other health challenges and neurodegenerative diseases.

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CardioMetabolic Risk Test

WHO: Anyone concerned about their heart health, as well as anyone diagnosed with a blood sugar imbalance (Diabetes)

WHAT: This SpectraCell blood test covers the three main areas of keeping a healthy metabolic profile: Glycemic Control, Lipid Profile, and Vascular Inflammation, as well as C-Reactive Protein (Inflammation marker):

  • Lipoprotein Fractionation
  • Lipoprotein Particle Numbers
  • Total LDL Particles
  • Total HDL Particles
  • Triglycerides
  • Lipoprotein (a)
  • Leptin
  • Apolipoprotein B
  • hs-CRP
  • Homocysteine
  • Insulin
  • Glucose
  • Hemoglobin A1c
  • C-peptide
  • Adiponectin
  • Omega Check

Scientists now emphasize that heart disease is actually an inflammatory condition within the blood vessels. Inflammation and oxidative stress work together damaging arteries and impairing cardiac function. Several antioxidant nutrients minimize this inflammatory process.

WHY: Heart disease kills more Americans than the next five top causes combined, including cancer, diabetes and accidents; 1 in 3 Americans currently have some form of heart disease; over 150,000 deaths from heart disease each year occur with people under the age of 65; and surprisingly –  Cardiovascular Disease ranks as the #2 cause of death (after accidents) for children under 15 years.

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Telomere Test

WHO: Anyone who desires to live a long, healthy life – This test should be done yearly  to evaluate the rate and direction of telomere changes and make adjustments in nutrition, nutritional supplements, weight management, exercise and other lifestyle modifications known to influence telomere length.

WHAT: Telomeres are sections of genetic material at the end of each chromosome whose primary function is to prevent chromosomal “fraying” when a cell replicates. As a cell ages, its telomeres become shorter. Eventually, the telomeres become too short to allow cell replication, the cell stops dividing and will ultimately die – a normal biological, aging  process. SpectraCell’s Telomere Test can determine the length of telomeres in relation to age.

WHY: There are the nutritional implications on telomere length and repair, thus testing helps to offer suggestions for healthier aging and living longer and better!

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Inflammation Nutritional Support Test

WHO: Anyone with pain, inflammatory condition, aging issues (ask me about the “Oy Syndrome”).

WHAT: Micronutrient Blood Test.

WHY: The root of ALL health challenges really has its start in an inflammatory response. Take care of nutritional imbalances causing inflammation and you benefit with LESS INFLAMMATION AND PAIN, and age more gracefully!

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Female Hormone Panel Test

WHO: Any woman who may have a thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, DHEA or other hormonal imbalances (i.e.: a woman who wants to become pregnant, a peri-menopause woman, or a menopause woman)

WHAT: SpectraCell Blood Test:

  • Thyroid Panel II: T3 free, T4 free, TSH
  • Progesterone
  • Testosterone (Free and Total) Hormone Test
  • DHEA-S Hormone Blood Test
  • Pregnenolone Hormone Blood Test
  • FSH and LH Hormones Fertility Blood Testing Profile
  • Vitamin D with 25 Hydroxy Blood Test for Vitamin D Deficiency

WHY: To naturally ensure good health through nutritional support and balanced hormones with less stress!

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Male Hormone Panel Test

WHO: Any man interested in a comprehensive male hormone panel – to reveal the overall state of hormonal balance and well-being, especially as you age.

WHAT: This blood test offers comprehensive male hormone panels.

 WHY: Like nutrients, hormones influence all aspects of health and disease – mood, sleep, metabolism, immunity, heart health and appearance.  An imbalance of one hormone can initiate a cascade of challenges that alters other hormones, so a comprehensive look at hormone status is key.

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MTHFR Genotyping Test

WHO: People with high homocysteine levels; Those who have a familial history of cardiovascular disease, stroke or thrombosis; those preparing for pregnancy; or anyone who wants to get the best nutritional support through- out life!

WHAT: The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFRmutation blood test is used to detect two relatively common mutations in the MTHFR gene that are associated with elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood, possible vitamin imbalances as well as possible liver support needed.










WHY: Certain mutations variants in the MTHFR gene produce an enzyme that has reduced activity. –

  • Reduced activity can lead to elevated levels of homocysteine , especially when folate levels are low.
  • High homocysteine (>13umol/L) may double the risk of developing illness or complications.
  • MTHFR genotyping can provide information about potential causes of elevated homocysteine and approaches for addressing it.
  • Based on MTHFR and homocysteine results, we can offer dietary and nutritional choices to increase intake of folate alone or in combination with specific vitamins B6 and B12 .

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Cognitive Function

WHO:  Those that are aging, suffering with dementia or Alzheimer’s, or just experiencing impaired memory and focus challenges, and those in the Autistic Spectrum.

WHAT:  A SpectraCell micronutrient blood test.

WHY:  There are many nutritional supports that play an important role in cognitive function.

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Hair Analysis

WHO: Typical serum blood tests (unlike SpectraCell) give information about your mineral levels at the time of the test only. If you’ve just eaten a banana, a blood test can indicate a high potassium level, even though you may actually need potassium supplementation. On the other hand, hair analysis results indicate your overall level of potassium – your actual storage levels over a period of time. Also, hair is a more accurate barometer of heavy metals and toxic burden of your body. Testing for minerals in the urine measures the minerals that are being excreted from your body – not necessarily what has been absorbed as fuel for your body. So typical serum blood and urine tests are like snapshots whereas a hair analysis is the video of your mineral retention.

WHAT: A Hair Analysis is a laboratory test that measures your mineral deficiencies and heavy metal toxicity. This noninvasive screening test requires only .25 grams of hair. In most cases, the test results reflect how much of these elements are in your tissues and provide a vivid picture of your internal environment. This information may reveal your unique body chemistry, nutritional status, and may help determine road blocks to optimal health.

WHY: After receiving the results of your hair analysis, Dr. Dani will help you embark on a gentle detox program, designed to meet YOUR particular body burden needs. You can expect to receive numerous benefits such as:

  • Liver, kidney and blood purification, offering vibrant skin
  • Enhanced mental clarity and increased energy
  • Weight loss, control and maintenance
  • Less digestive challenges, such as GERD, IBS, bloating, gas, and bowel issues
  • Aches and pains are diminished, often completely gone
  • Hormonal symptoms are lessened or gone

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WHO:  Do you find yourself feeling stressed, tired and maybe a little depressed?  Do you take prescription medicines to alleviate symptoms of certain conditions, but wonder why the condition exists at all?  Do you want to boost your immune system now, to possibly prevent chronic or degenerative diseases later?  Be proactive, not reactive!

WHAT:  Before the introduction of SpectraCell’s tests, many diagnostic and risk assessments were based on measurements of static levels of certain nutrients in serum. Static serum levels are not always representative indicators for assessing cell metabolism and utilization. SpectraCell’s micronutrient testing offers a unique means to scientifically assess the intracellular requirements of micronutrients that play an important role in your overall health and wellness. These tests measure the biochemical function of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants, providing a powerful clinical assessment tool for your present and future health.

WHY: SpectraCell’s Micronutrient test provides the most comprehensive nutritional analysis available, by measuring functional deficiencies at the cellularlevel. It is an assessment of how well the body utilizes 33 vitamins, minerals, amino/fatty acids, antioxidants, and metabolites, while conveying the body’s need for these micronutrients that enable the body to produce enzymes, hormones, and other substances essential for proper growth, development, and good health.

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Food Inflammation Test (F.I.T.)

WHO:  Have you been enduring years of chronic health challenges such as arthritis, asthma, migraines, bowel problems, eczema, fatigue, heartburn, digestive issues, or hyperactivity – to name a few?

WHAT:  The FIT Test is a patented, multi-pathway delayed food sensitivity test. The test uses new technology that measures both IgG and Immune Complexes, the most common food-related pathways in the body.

WHY: We want you to feel better! ~ A food elimination diet plan based on the F.I.T. results reduces symptoms you may be experiencing, and allows for healing. It’s easy and safe – The F.I.T. Test is available as a pin prick blood sample from your finger, collected from home and shipped to a laboratory for analysis.

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