Stop Focusing on Skinny – Start Focusing on Healthy:
Release the Bubble Wrap

New Revolutionary Thinking about Weight Loss!

   Strategic Holistic Considerations

That Allow You to Lose the Weight

That is Holding You Back from Living Your Best Life

And Looking Beautiful!

The search for that magic pill that will “make us thin” has been an ongoing challenge through the decades. We search for an easy answer to our weight problem because we just cannot fathom working hard for it, as we are already working hard enough for our lifestyle, for the things we “need”. We are already too tired, too busy, too overworked. We use coffee to “give us energy”. Your body is constantly ‘communicating’ with you, telling you by way of aches and pains, inflammation, fatigue, forgetfulness, depression or the dreaded BUBBLE WRAP – That extra fat that just hangs on, especially around your belly or middle-area. Bubble wrap is PROTECTION! Why does your body need protection? Dr. Dani feels confident that as you start to uncover your body’s signals for help, you will understand and have many wonderful “AH-HA moments” that allow you to overcome your frustration with weight, and BUBBLE WRAP!

In this very engaging workshop learn how to give your body what it needs, so YOU can feel comfortable once more and enjoy abundant energy and live that life of your dreams!


 Contact me today and let's start a conversation!

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